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The letter of Authorisation

I (same as print name in this letter), am writing to authorise AET Adventure to purchase the travel insurance cover for the trip on my behalf as part of the whole travel package booking.


I declare that all information stated below is true and complete. 

  • Are in the UK at the time of purchasing the policy and are a UK resident, meaning a person who at the time of buying the policy: has their main home in the UK (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) and has lived in the UK for at least six months or holds a valid British residency permit or visa; and is registered with a UK GP, and is liable to pay taxes in the UK.

  • Have not already started any trip to be covered.

  • Have never had insurance refused, cancelled or special terms imposed in the past five years

  • Have no known circumstances that would invalidate your travel insurance policy.

  • Have no pending prosecutions or unspent criminal convictions for fraud, dishonesty or deception.

​Medical Health Requirements

To the best of your knowledge and belief, you agree that you and any traveller to be insured under this policy are fit to travel and are not travelling:


  • Against the advice of a medical practitioner

  • With the intention of obtaining medical treatment or consultation whilst abroad


I confirm that the above Assumptions about my quote and medical health declaration have been met.


I am currently in a good state of health, free of injury, disease or discomfort to your best belief and knowledge. I do not have any pre-existing conditions that would need to be declared to us, such as: Any heart condition, breathing condition (including asthma), circulatory condition (including strokes and high blood pressure), gastrointestinal (digestive tract) conditions, bone or joint conditions, or any type of cancer, regardless of how long ago these were suffered.


And any medical condition or ailment that you are suffering from or have suffered from in the last 24 months. This includes the below items: 

  • Any investigation, tests, advice or results which the insured is awaiting results for;

  • Any treatment that has or is being given to the insured;

  • Any surgery that is needed by or has been performed on you;

  • Any condition that you are taking prescribed medication for.


  • ​冬季运动,雪具遗失与损坏。雪票遗失。雪具租赁保障,雪道关闭补偿。雪崩交通保障

  • 紧急医疗和送返(额度500万英镑)对意外或突发疾病提供医疗救助,以及返回英国

  • 住院补偿

  • 行李丢失及行李延误

  • 放弃旅行, 因为不可抗力而放弃旅行

  • 个人意外事故导致的失明,残疾,和终身残疾

  • 个人责任导致他人财物人身损失

  • 补偿性住宿保障

  • 法务法律保障

  • 现金丢失被盗


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